Tuesday, May 1, 2007


乾媽說不知道我的眼睛是藍色的, 因為我的眼睛太小了....

什麼跟什麼哇! 我貓雖好,可也是有自尊滴! 這樣看清楚了吧?

唉! 有時真覺得我生不逢時, 沒有趕上小眼當道的時代.....


KMM: When I was filling the application for a companion cat for Tigger at the shelter, I was asked " What are you looking for? " I said, " I want a cat who will be Tigger's best friend" And then, though looks shouldn't matter, I shamelessly added, " And I would also love to have a lynx cat with blue eyes."

Oh, yeah, I've got what I wished for - Beans, a lynx cat with blue eyes. But Beans' eyes are so small, you could hardly see the blue. Everyone thought he has red eyes!!!! Not that I would love him less because he is a part of our family now, but, next time I would know to be more specific - A Lynx cat with BIG blue eyes! Haha!

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