Tuesday, April 17, 2007

BARF DIET II - Patience! Patience!

So, how many days have we been onto this BARF transition days? I don't know, lost counts totally, but I do know I am not winning the battle at all. At least not for now...

What do you do when your stubborn cat just wouldn't budge? Let him starve to death? I think not.

Meow was only good for one day after I mixed the dry with the wet for him. Now he has taken one step forward - He wants only dry!!! I rub the bowl with wet food before I put the dry in so that he can get used to the wet, but he would not touch the dry if it had touched the wet.

  • To make the matter worse, Tigger was very upset because Meow was eating different food than him, he refused to eat for a little while, two meals to be exact, but thank god for his "easily given in" nature, he is back on wet. I can't switch the food unless they are all eating the same, so patience we will have....the war is on....

    The question is - How can I win?

    Tigger: Hum....got to get my hands on those...

    Beans: How about some food, mom? Hurry up!! We are soooo hungry!!!

    Meow: Why don't I sample the food for you guys first...

    Ready, mom????

    We are ready!

    Chow down time!

    5 minutes later.....Meow barely touched his food....

    What should I do???

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